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World Population Day 2023: From theme significance: World Population Day Speech

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World Population Day 2023 theme, significance: World Population Day Speech

World Population Day 2023 : World Population Day has been observed since 1989. There is a special reason behind this. The population is growing rapidly. ‘World Population Day’ is observed every year on July 11 to raise awareness about its pros and cons and other aspects. Population growth at an alarming rate has become a cause for concern. As a result, the status quo is also being destroyed. Besides, women’s health is also deteriorating. Let’s talk today about how it can harm the environment and harm health among many other things.,,, The day also looks at the positive aspects of humanity.

(World Population Day 2023: Date, history, significance)

World population day poster

World Population Day is observed every year on July 11 to draw attention to the problem of overpopulation. The day seeks to make the public aware of the adverse effects of overpopulation on the overall development of a country as well as its negative impact on the environment…

World Population Day is observed every year to make people aware of the importance of family planning, poverty, gender equality, maternal health and human rights and their relationship to a country’s population.

Every year since 1990, World Population Day has been observed on July 11 to draw attention to the problems arising from global population growth. Although the growing population affects aspects such as gender equality, poverty and economic growth, world population The day shouldn’t just be limited to challenges…


In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) established World Population Day, inspired by the interest in Five Billion Day observed on July 11, 1987.

The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution and decided to continue observing World Population Day as a measure to raise awareness of population-related issues, including their links to development and the environment.

The UN sexual and reproductive health agency UNFPA says, “The population story is much richer and more nuanced than a single number. This special day is observed to make everyone aware about all these problems.

History of World Population Day:

In 1989, the then Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program decided to observe this day. Since July 11, 1990, this day has been celebrated in more than 90 countries for the first time. Since then, UNFPA has been national in collaboration with governments and civil society Apart from offices, other organizations and institutions are celebrating World Population Day.

This year’s theme of ‘World Population Day’ is:

This year’s theme is ‘A World of 8 Billion: A Resilient Future for All’. There are 8 billion people living in the world today. But they do not have equal rights and opportunities.

Why is July 11th a World Population Day

World Population Day poster with slogan

Many people face discrimination, harassment and violence based on their gender, race, class, religion, sexual orientation, disability and citizenship. extra Human rights are also eroded in many places due to population. The day is observed to raise awareness about this issue.

World Population Day 2023: How is the day celebrated?

It is an international event in which various countries, organizations participate and draw attention to major issues related to world population. Activities organized on this day include seminars, discussions, educational sessions, slogans, workshops, debates, songs etc. Not only that, TV channels, news channels, radio population Broadcasts various programs related to and highlights the importance of family…..!!!

Tags – Population Day , significance


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