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World Population Day Speech : 10 lines on population in India

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World Population Day Speech : 10 lines on population in India

 (March 11) World Population Day is celebrated all over the world. On this day in 1987, the total population of the world increased to 500 million. Taking this into consideration, the Governance Council of UNDP proposed to observe this day of the year as World Population Day. Since then the day is observed as World Population Day. United Nations General Assembly to create awareness and interest among people around the world Since 1989, the United Nations has been celebrating the World Population Day with the relevant theme in mind. Like other countries of the world, Bangladesh is celebrating the day with special importance.,…..!!! 

Few Lines on World’ population Day

World Population Day is observed on July 11th every year to raise awareness about global population issues and their impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects.

The day was established by the United Nations in 1989 to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population-related challenges.

Plagued with population problems, China is trying to reduce the population through the one child policy. Some countries have also adopted reverse growth policies due to negative population growth rates.

Easy on world population day in English

World Population Day aims to highlight the need for sustainable development practices to ensure a balanced and healthy global population.

The government of every nation is concerned about the problem of population.

Good education and proper awareness can help in reducing the problem of population.

Essay writing on world population day

On World Population Day, various events, conferences, workshops, and campaigns are organized to promote awareness and advocate for policies that address population-related challenges.

Speech on world population Day 2023

Education and empowerment of women and girls are crucial for addressing population issues, as they play a key role in decision-making regarding family planning and reproductive health..

Investments in healthcare infrastructure, including reproductive healthcare services, can contribute to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities.

Short Speech on World population Day  2023

Teaching about sexually transmitted infections and how to prevent them.

Demand specific legislation for the right to protect the girl child.

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World Population Day 2023: From theme significance: World Population Day Speech

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