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You are using Facewash correctly

Must use face wash regularly in the morning and night. But have you ever thought about the impact that even a small mistake in using this face wash can have on your skin? Today I will discuss what to keep in mind while using face wash. So that you don’t make those mistakes while using facewash

Face-Wash-for-Oily-Skin-1661181352575 You are using Facewash correctly

Using facewash is the correct method

Suffering from skin problems for quite some time? Despite adequate care, pimples are coming out on the face and the face is getting red. Maybe this is happening by using the new facewash, so I started using the old brand of facewash again. Many of us do not know the correct way to use facewash; And as a result of this, there are various kinds of problems in our face skin. If you have made these mistakes, then correct them in time, otherwise there may be skin problems later.

Not pre-cleansing

Many of us wear a little makeup when going out. But after returning home, I often fall asleep without removing my makeup. But it causes serious damage to the skin. Again, many times only makeup removing wipes did not remove the makeup. But do you know that Makepi Removing Wipe only cleans the outside of your face skin, not the inner pores! That is why it is necessary to clean the face well with facewash, so that the dirt inside the hair follicles also comes out and your skin can breathe.

What type of face wash is best for your skin? Understand how

Almost everyone wears a little makeup when going out or going to the office. And after returning home, many remove the makeup with the help of makeup remover wipes. Or directly wash your face with face wash. Never do this. Your makeup will never come off in the face wash. And cleansing your face with wipes removes makeup from the top of your skin, which the skin can’t actually clean.

Do you know your skin-type? I mean, do you know whether your skin is oily or dry or a combination? Choose facewash based on your skin-type. A water-based or oil-cleansing face wash is best for those with oily skin Those with dry skin should use an oil-based face wash. According to many experts, if your face feels tight after using facewash, then you should understand that the facewash is not right for your skin. It’s a very simple method, choosing a face wash for yourself.

Using extra facewash

You will have seen many people who frequently wash their face with facewash. In this, the natural oiliness of the skin is gone and there is a possibility of getting the impression of age on the face before age. Wrinkles, dry skin, redness and many other problems can appear. You can clean your face with face wash 2 times a day, but not more than that.

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If you think that it is good to wash your face with face wash several times a day, then you are not wrong at all. Using a facewash repeatedly during the day removes the skin’s natural oils.

Face wash with hot or cold water

You will hear many people say that if you use hot water, the hair follicles will open, so if you want to clean your face well, you should wash your face with hot water. Absolutely wrong! Hot water absorbs the natural oiliness of the face and as a result the skin becomes rough and dry. It is best to wash your face with lukewarm water.

Do not use moisturizer

It is very necessary to apply moisturizer after using facewash. Whether you clean your face with an Ayurvedic face wash or a chemical face wash, it is good to know that any face wash strips away the natural oils of the skin. So to balance the natural oil of the skin, remember to apply moisturizer after washing your face with facewash.

Tags – You are using Facewash correctly Skin Problems Salutations

By Bristy

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