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10 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Spots Permanently

AVvXsEiHkccMrudI4gzvGFiSAQXTnUjCGkkCOyBQXEkI2NZIcw7cXnkcbyJo_nJimNW8ykmwtcy8OVzEtXj-0pzzMWilIMnSn0hq6EY0XeZCeHsZr5Htdxv9gKFgvBSr4PvT3oZfThhbwNU5pG8gifnAJwg4Z2ioIAxlhUHEGPNsNxTYAXHYpDJ6I16Cwzib=w320-h266 10 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Spots Permanently - Tips

How To Remove Dark Spots On Face Fast

With the onset of winter, there are thousands of skin problems, acne, blackheads, and rough and dry skin. Here are some home remedies to get rid of them. Can keep beautiful. In addition to this, the doctor will get rid of the feeling of rough skin on the black spot, but know.
1 / Mix one teaspoon of rose water with sandal powder and apply it on the face, then wash off with cold water.
2 / Multani soil, lemon juice and tokadai mixed mixture will increase the brightness, will also reduce stains.

How To Remove Dark Spots On Face Overnight Home Remedies

3 / Mix a teaspoon of honey with tomato and apply it on the face and wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
4 / Use ripe collar paste to reduce skin blemishes.
5 / Lemon juice, honey and ripe papaya mixed to make a pack and put it on the face, when it is dry, wash it off.
It is effective in reducing scars.
7 / Wash the potatoes very well and squeeze out the juice. Then apply the juice directly on the spots. You can wash it after waiting a few minutes.

Remove Black Marks On Face Quickly

6 / Aloe vera gel is also very effective in removing stains. You can take gel from aloe vera leaves and apply it on the skin.
7 / Before going to bed at night, use a few drops of almond oil instead of moisturizer, you will get good results.
9 / You can give lemon juice in the mouth. Although powdered milk and glycerin are used together, dark spots on the skin are removed.
10 / Soak cotton in raw milk and clean the face, neck, neck and other parts of the body. This will remove tan or sunburn spots.
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