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Jaundice Diet Chart: Jaundice Food To Eat

Diet for Jaundice: Jaundice means hepatitis of the liver. There is nothing to fear, it is not actually a disease, but a symptom of a disease. Many people have many misconceptions about what the patient’s diet will be in case of jaundice. In case of jaundice, food should be eaten so that there is no pressure on the liver or gall bladder. Jaundice is cured by eating the right food little by little. Jaundice is a liver disease. This disease can have many causes. Now there are some foods that are good for this disease. If it is not done properly, this disease causes 12 o’clock in the liver. to recover It is necessary to eat food with low fat and protein. In addition, high carbohydrate foods and plenty of water are beneficial. Carbohydrates help liver cells to grow faster.

IMG_20230604_114358-1685859248230 Jaundice Diet Chart: Jaundice Food To Eat

Jaundice Diet Chart In English

What causes Jaundice –

from certain drugs,

Due to excessive drinking,

Gallbladder and pancreatic cancer

Hepatitis and other liver infections,

Hemolytic anemia.

This disease needs to be treated first. Only then can the patient stay well. Now you need to know That this disease needs an urgent solution. The first and most helpful way to recover from a disease like jaundice is to drink plenty of water.

Jaundice Diet Chart For Dibectic Patient

1. Fresh fruit

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and fiber. This ingredient reduces metabolic damage to the liver. As a result, the liver can recover quickly.

2. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid. Vegetables beneficial for liver are-

Pumpkin, sweet potato


Carrots, turnips, turnips

Broccoli, cauliflower, ginger, garlic


3. Most nuts and legumes are rich in antioxidants like vitamin E and phenolic acids. Grains like nuts and beans are usually high in fiber and healthy fats.

4. Anti-oxidant foods: Lemon, bitter lemon juice is very good for jaundice patients. These are diseases as well as fulfilling the water needs of the body Increases immunity. Apart from this, you can eat almonds in quantity every day.

5. Water Drink enough water daily (at least eight glasses daily). Water removes harmful toxins from the body. Sugarcane juice, canned water also fulfills the body’s water needs.

IMG_20230604_114345-1685859248676 Jaundice Diet Chart: Jaundice Food To Eat

6. Protein: The diet should include fish, chicken, pulses in quantity every day. Otherwise the patient will become weak.

7. Drinking tea during jaundice also helps in quick recovery. Due to the high level of antioxidants present in tea, it Reduces inflammation in the liver, aids in digestion….

“””What can’t be eaten””””

No sugar or extra sweet foods, raw salt, extra oil-spicy foods, red meat (cow, buffalo, goat meat), alcohol, trans fat and saturated fat. Dairy foods: Full cream milk or curd, cheese if jaundice. It is not right to eat. It is high in saturated fat, which is harmful to the liver…..

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Tags – jaundice Food, Health Tips

By Bristy

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