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Benefits Of Eating Dates : Is Dates Good For Skin

Dates, very tasty and well known. Dates are rich in nutrients including fiber, iron, vitamins and magnesium.

Nutritional value of dates

A delicious and well-known fruit, rich in fructose and glycemic. It raises blood sugar. Date fruit is considered as a substitute for sugar. About the nutritional content of dates it is said that four or 30 grams of dates have 90 calories, one gram of protein, 13 mg of calcium, 2.8 grams of fiber and more other nutrients. Dates are a good source of energy. So the fatigue of the body is removed immediately after eating dates.

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Benefits Of Eating Dates In Empty Stomach

Benefits of eating dates daily

Dates are rich in copper, selenium and magnesium which are very important nutrients to keep your bones healthy and prevent bone related diseases. It is rich in vitamin K which helps in blood clotting and helps in metabolizing your bones

What happens if you eat 3 dates a day?

Studies have shown that people who eat dates have improved colon health because dates increase the growth of good bacteria, inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells.

Benefits Of Eating Dates For Men

Know how this fruit works in our body –

1. Improves Nervous System Performance: As dates are rich in vitamins, they increase the thinking speed of the brain, along with improving the performance of the nervous system.

2. Increases energy: Dates help in increasing energy very quickly due to the high amount of natural sugar.

3. Skin Care: The signs of aging are first noticed on the skin. So you can use dates for skin care. Regular consumption of dates prevents the skin from dryness. Dates also provide relief from various skin problems.

Benefits Of Eating Dates Regularly

4. Apart from this, dates are useful in sore throat, different types of fever, cold and cold. Dates are very useful in alcoholic poisoning. Eating soaked dates acts quickly in poisoning.

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Benefits Of Eating Dates With milk

5. Eyesight is sharp: Dates contain various vitamins, which are essential for our body. For example: B1, B2, B3 and B5. Apart from this, dates can be called the powerhouse of various vitamins including vitamin A1 and C. It helps to improve eyesight.

Benefits Of Eating Dates For Women

6. Soak dates in water at night for constipation problem. Next day morning drink dates soaked water. Constipation will be removed.

The various minerals present in dates help to regulate the heart rate.

7. Due to the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in dates, it protects the retina.

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Tags – Health Tips, Dates

By Bristy

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