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Title – What foods are highest in magnesium

If you are suffering from high cholesterol or depression due to unknown reasons, then magnesium deficiency may be the culprit! Yes, despite being a minor nutrient, magnesium significantly affects our body functions.

Magnesium is responsible for 300 chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium converts food into energy, produces proteins from amino acids that are helpful in breaking down food, balances your genes, and maintains the nervous system. There are so many reasons to make sure your food is rich in magnesium.

IMG_20230626_123104-1687762885081 What foods are highest in magnesium

magnesium-rich foods chart

Many everyday vegetables, fruits, and even fruits and legumes are rich in this brain-enriching nutrient. Let’s discuss the magnesium-rich foods in detail.

Our body doesn’t make magnesium on its own, hence it becomes crucial to get it from healthy sources of magnesium – fruits, and veggies being prime sources.

According to a study published in European Review For Medical And Pharmacological Sciences, magnesium is helpful in reducing risks to stroke and boost heart health, normal nerve, and muscle formation.

On average, a man requires 400-420 mg magnesium, and a woman needs 310-350 mg magnesium per day.

Foods high in magnesium and potassium

Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are the healthiest that contains iron, potassium, and calcium. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and turnip greens are great sources of magnesium. 1 cup of cooked spinach contains an incredible amount of magnesium which is 157 mg. Kale has 47 mg and turnip green provides 31 mg of magnesium.

Other Everyday Vegetables Rich in Magnesium
Vegetables such as okra, green peas, broccoli, sweetcorn, potatoes, green beans are vegetables high in magnesium. 100 grams of okra contains 57 mg of magnesium. Sweet corn has 37 mg of magnesium, green peas contain 33 mg, green beans have 25 mg, potatoes has 23 mg, broccoli contains 21 mg of magnesium.
Broccoli is in fact, rich in both magnesium and potassium, which helps in magnesium consumption.

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which food is highest in potassium

Fruits must be an important part of a balanced diet. Fruits like avocado, figs, banana, and guava are magnesium-rich fruits. 1 cup of dried figs has 101 mg which is the highest among fruits. An avocado, a heart-healthy fruit contains 58 mg, a large banana has 37 mg, and guava contains 36 mg magnesium.

Whole Grains
Whole grains are always recommended over refined grains. Whole grains like brown rice, oats, and Quinoa are good sources of magnesium. 1 cup of cooked quinoa provides an excellent amount of magnesium which is 118 mg. 1 cup of brown rice has 86 mg and one cup of oatmeal contains 57.6 mg magnesium.

A handful of nuts can be enjoyed as a healthy snack in so many ways. Almonds, cashew nuts, and Brazil nuts are foods high in magnesium and calcium. 28 grams of brazil nuts contains the highest amount that’s 106.6 mg magnesium. 28 grams of almonds and brazil nuts have 80 mg and 74 mg magnesium.

Dark Chocolate
Chocolate can never be bad for health especially if it’s dark chocolate! The darker, the better. You can treat yourself with a bar of dark chocolate for raising the magnesium as well as iron levels in the body. 28 grams of 85% dark chocolate has 65 mg magnesium.

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Tags – magnesium , Food

By Bristy

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