Categories: Recipe

Idli Batter Recipe: Idli Recipe Ingredients

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Idli Batter Recipe: Idli Recipe Ingredients

Idli is very delicious and famous dish in South Indian cuisine. Even if you eat 2 idlis in the evening chat or in the morning snack, the stomach remains full for a long time. But until now Idli was eaten only by buying it from the shop. But today here is an easy recipe for making idli at home.

Idli Batter Recipe In English

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Ingredients :- Rice 2 cups (different types of rice are available for making idli or dosa batter), Maskarai dal 1 cup (we call it biuli dal, fenugreek 1/4 tsp, baking soda 1/4 tsp and baking salt amount like

How to make dosa / idli batter?

Method :- First, 3 cups of rice and fenugreek should be washed well and soaked overnight, so that the rice can be kneaded well. Maskarai dal should also be soaked overnight. Now mix rice and fenugreek very well to make a paste. Make a paste with a little water.

Once the rice and fenugreek paste is made, pour the mixture into a bowl. Then the soaked dal should be made into a paste. Then add baking soda to the rice and dal batter. Now beat all the ingredients very well.

Idli Batter Recipe Ratio

Then keep it covered for 7-8 hours.

Cover should be removed after 8 hours.

Salt should be added in it. And give a little water. Now to beat all the ingredients again

 will be Now apply ghee or oil to the idli maker. Now pour the mixture into the sleeve. Now heat the water in the pressure cooker and place the idli stands in it. Open the pressure cooker valve at this time. Now leave it for 8 to 10 minutes and take it down to make soft idli.

If you don’t have an idli maker at home, grease a small bowl with ghee or oil. Now pour the mixture into the sleeve.

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