Categories: Recipe

Mix Veg Recipe : Mix Vegetable Curry

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Mix Veg Recipe: Mix Vegetable Curry

Everyone likes to eat vegetables, how many delicious dishes are made with different types of vegetables, many homes are vegetarian, fish do not eat meat. But today I came with fish, meat, eggs, except all vegetables. Yes, today I am here with a vegetarian curry recipe with several vegetables. So check out today’s mix veg recipe –

Mix Veg Recipe Bengali Style

1/ Mix Veg Recipe Ingredients

1. Cheese, beans

2. Potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, beans

3. Ginger, green chilli paste

4. Cashew nut batter

5. Bay leaves, whole cumin seeds, dry chillies

6. Cardamom, cloves, cinnamon

7. Cumin powder, Coriander powder, Turmeric powder, Chilli powder

8. A little sugar and a little salt, cooking oil

Mix Veg Recipe In English

Mix Veg Recipe Instructions

 First wash all the vegetables well. Heat oil in a pan. Add some salt to it. Fry the paneer pieces with it. Then remove the cheese and fry the vegetables in a pan. Put the cashew nuts in batter with little water. On the other hand, grind ginger and green chillies.

Mix Veg Recipe With Panner

Heat oil in a pan and add bay leaves, whole cumin seeds, dry chillies, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon. Then add ginger, green chilli paste. Stir for a while and add the cashew nut paste. Then add salt, turmeric, chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder one by one. Prepare the spices well.

Add little water. Grind it well and mix it well with the vegetables. Then add little water. Don’t make too much broth. Then put the broth with the pieces of cheese. Take it down when done. You can add ghee before lowering. Now serve.

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