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Oats Khichdi Recipe : High Protein Oats Khichdi Recipe

AVvXsEgSuSB779rb7LK4KnEyYCJ-RA_hVX-vh_Vz7dyzTtn3ZmGurconDhFn_L5RGW-T4Cu5Sn82_shFsaqBx9DN-mp5lD7b8g2YdIjFG195xjun5oRSV0lns6hOo2NJPX4u2eud5Ye62Zmg_CkEiFU4_Is5NGsKZ-jMtNfWcit9A2CTy91W1d-KpcS2cnrc=w320-h286 Oats Khichdi Recipe : High Protein Oats Khichdi Recipe

Oats Khichdi Recipe

We eat a lot of high protein foods and oats to control our weight. But have you ever eaten oatmeal Khichdi? Do you really think so ?? Absolutely yes. It does not take much time to make and does not require much material.
Check out the high protein oatmeal recipe “

1. Mugdal fried (Moong Dal)
2. Ginger
3. Yellow powder
4. Cumin powder
5. White oil
6. Crush the tomatoes
7. Coriander leaves crushed
8. Salt
9. Chilli
10. Whole cumin
11. Oats
12. Carrots

Oats Khichdi Recipe For Weight Loss

* “” How to make “” “**
First, wash the fried mug dal and soak it in water for half an hour. Heat a pan, add a teaspoon of white oil, whole cumin and raw chilli powder, chop carrots in it, then fry it with grated ginger, add tomato powder, salt, turmeric and cumin powder. I have to take a little.
It should be boiled for a while with the same amount of water in it. Once the dal is cooked, it should be given with oats in it. It should be mixed well and cooked well for another 10 minutes.
Once boiled, it should be well mixed with coriander leaves. Finally add a little ghee before unloading.
I know the smell of dates is very good and it takes a lot to eat.
Tags – Recipe, Food, Khichdi

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