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Protein Rich Foods Vegetarian: High protein Vegetarian Diet Plan

To keep the body healthy, protein and vitamins are all necessary, because we think that we can get protein in the body by eating fish and meat, so vegetarians often do not understand which foods can meet the necessary protein. Everyone’s protein needs are different. This requirement is determined mainly based on height, weight and daily activities. In general, a healthy and normal weight adult woman needs 50-60 grams of protein and a man needs 70-80 grams of protein every day.

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Protein Rich Foods Vegetarian In India

Those who eat vegetarian food, often they are in the doubt that the body is not lacking protein? But people who don’t eat meat at all are likely to be protein deficient. So vegetarians must keep these few ingredients in their diet.

Why do we need protein?

Proteins are basically amino acids, amino acids are essential for cell growth and development during our lifetime. Proteins not only make up our vital organs, but also our skin, Hair forms the basic structure of other important parts of our body.

Protein Rich Foods Vegetarian Diet

Foods from which we get protein, see –

Pulses and pulses

A cup of boiled pulses contains about 16 proteins. Besides chickpeas, rajma. etc. also contain a lot of protein. But this type of protein takes quite some time to digest.

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Protein Rich Foods For Pregnancy

Milk and dairy products

Milk is a very balanced food. Milk and milk products are very useful as sources of protein.

green vegetables

Vegetables like broccoli, spinach are also rich in protein.

Soybean– Soybean has a higher protein content than meat. Not just protein, soybeans also contain vitamins B and E. Soy protein is useful to keep the body fit. Soybean or soy protein also reduces the possibility of breast and prostate cancer.


Nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts are also rich in protein. 35 grams of peanuts contain about 7 grams of protein. Besides, different types of nuts contain elements like phosphorus, selenium, magnesium, calcium which are very beneficial for the body.

Peas – Be it Ghugni peas or curry beans, if you mix a small amount in any vegetarian curry, protein will go into the body of vegetarians with daily meals. Also green peas Contains antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties, which are beneficial for the body.

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Kabli chickpeas – Apart from being a protein rich food, Kabli chickpeas contain vitamins A, E and C. Also contains iron, potassium, magnesium. Kabli chickpeas also work to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type-2 diabetes.

Almonds – Almonds are essentially superfoods. Nuts like almonds and cashew nuts are an excellent source of protein and are always included in a protein-rich diet.

High Protein Vegetables – There are vegetables that are high in protein such as spinach, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus and even sweet potatoes.

Fruits:- Fruits are generally rich in protein, fruits like bananas, guavas and certain berries contain substantial amounts of protein…!!

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Biotin Reach Foods

Tags – Protein Food, Health Tips

By Bristy

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