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Smoking Is Injurious To Health: Is smoking injurious to health dash

Correct sentence- Smoking is injurious to health. We all know smoking is bad for health. Still no one cares, knowing everything people smoke. Can’t quit smoking. The number of deaths in the world due to tobacco products is increasing day by day. Nicotine in tobacco does not make smokers quit smoking. Are you addicted to smoking? Then know how much damage is being done to your health due to this smoking.

IMG_20230622_154452-1687428906760 Smoking Is Injurious To Health: Is smoking injurious to health dash?

What are some smoking quotes

What is the result of smoking –

Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attack, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), and cancer (especially lung cancer, cancer of the pancreas, cancer of the larynx and oral cavity).

What is a short slogan for smoking

The number of patients suffering from diabetes due to smoking is increasing day by day. Kidney problems, nerve problems, blindness problems etc. are seen

Smoking increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, blood vessel disease etc.

Pregnant women should not smoke at all. Smoking causes respiratory diseases.

So quit smoking now to keep your body healthy and feel good.

Smoking is extremely harmful for those who have asthma. The ability to hold the breath for a long time also increases.

Smoking has long-term effects on physical activity. When someone smokes, the heart, lungs and muscles get less oxygen. As a result, physical fitness decreases.

The effects of smoking affect not only smokers but also second-hand smokers. The effects of smoking on babies include Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, acute respiratory infections, middle ear disorders, severe asthma, breathing problems and underdevelopment of the lungs.

How to stop smoking quotes

Regular smoking increases blood pressure. And if the blood pressure is high, the possibility of arrhythmias and atherosclerosis increases from there. Over time, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, peripheral artery disease become fatal. So if you want to avoid the effects of these diseases, stop smoking today.

Not smoking a cigarette will add 30 seconds to your life. On the other hand, smoking one cigarette will shorten your life by 11 minutes.

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Tags – Smoking Is Injurious , Life Style

By Bristy

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