Categories: Skin Care

Summer Skin Care Routin

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Summer Skin Care Routin

Summer is the time to plan beach holidays and have fun under the sun. However, it is also time to switch your skin care routine. So, stop wondering how to get glowing skin in summer, as we are here to help you set your summer skin care routine. It is vital to protect, nourish, and hydrate your skin to keep it glowing during summers. Therefore, the tips cover skin care, diet, and lifestyle changes, along with a few DIY remedies.

The scorching summer heat can be unforgiving on your skin. The pollution, intense summer sun, heat, and humidity cause many skin issues. Tanning, dry patches, overactive sebaceous glands, sunburn, pigmentation, blemishes, and acne – these are a few issues that you may face during summer. That is why you need to take care of your skin during this season.

Summer Skin Care Routin For Oily skin

Face Wash
Cleansing your face is the most basic skin care routine that you need to follow, irrespective of the season. During summers, the climate is hot and humid. Your face tends to produce more oil during this time, so you need to change your cleanser accordingly.

Do Not Forget Sunscreen
This is something that you absolutely cannot forget during summers. Sun protection for your face, hands, legs, and any other exposed parts of your body is vital.Excessive UV exposure can permanently damage your skin and cause sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines, skin cancer, and premature aging.

Summer Skin Care Routin For Dry skin

Add A Punch Of Antioxidants
Invest in serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens that come with an additional punch of antioxidants. For instance, vitamin C protects your skin from environmental damage, prevents wrinkles, and boosts collagen development (2).

Creams and serums loaded with natural extracts and antioxidants reduce inflammation (which is pretty common in summer), neutralize harmful free radicals, and repair your skin.

Summer Skin Care Routin For Combination skin

Add Fruits And Vegetables To Your Diet

Applying antioxidants topically is not enough. Have a summer skincare routine that includes eating healthy fruits and vegetables. To maintain radiant skin, you need to nourish it accordingly. Healthy eating is a must during summer. Consume chlorophyll-rich foods and water-rich fruits and vegetables, like watermelon. They contain essential vitamins, nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants that boost collagen production, reduce inflammation, and protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

Keep Yourself Hydrated
Drink plenty of water and don’t forget to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Apart from drinking water, you can consume cold green tea and coconut water or cucumber juice for a change as well. This is important to keep your skin hydrated, flush out toxins from your body, and feel refreshed during the hot summer days.

Summer Skin Care Routin Home Remedies

Go Easy On Makeup
When it comes to makeup during summer months, go minimal. That’s because your skin needs to breathe, so try wearing mineral-based makeup when the weather is super hot and humid as these products are light and anti-inflammatory. If you absolutely cannot do without your foundation, go for a tinted moisturizer with SPF and layer it with face powder to avoid any patchy spots.

Summer Skin Care Routin Step By Step

Update Your Moisturizer
If you think your skin does not need moisturizer during the summer months, you are wrong. The only difference is that the heavy moisturizers that you used during winter will not work during summer. You need to use light moisturizers when the weather is warm. Pick non-greasy and lightweight moisturizers (pick one with SPF for daytime use) that will help lock in the essential moisture of your skin. You might need to invest in a good air humidifier to keep your skin moisturized through the summer heat!

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