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Tasty Vegetable Khichdi Recipe – Tips

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How To MakeVegetable Khichdi

Whether it is a cold day or a rainy season, there must be khichdi in the Bengali house. Khichuri is a different kind of love of Bengalis. However, the taste of vegetable khichdi is completely different, I will tell you the recipe of vegetable khichdi today. Take a look at how to make vegetable khichuri instantly at home.

Vegetable Khichdi Recipe Ingredients

1. One cup of rice. (Basmati / rice rice)
2. Mussoorie dal
3. Chop the onion
4. Ginger garlic paste
5. Turmeric powder
6. Dried lentil powder
7. Salt
8. Hot spice powder
9. Raw chilli
10. Coriander leaves
11. Bay leaves
12. White cumin
13. Oil
14. Ghee

Vegetable Khichdi Recipe North Indian Style

How to make:
First, with two tablespoons of oil in a pot, when the oil is hot, fry the vegetables a little, such as carrots, potatoes, papaya, fry these three vegetables well for 10 to 15 minutes. Once these vegetables are fried, the rest of the vegetables like cauliflower, beans, sweet pumpkin pieces should be fried nicely by stirring. Once the vegetables are fried, add three or four cloves of cardamom and white cumin seeds and fry for 30 seconds. Once the spices are well seasoned, leave the rice and pulses in it.
And you have to fry the chaldal well, after frying you have to pour the vegetables, after one minute you have to pour boiling hot water in it, this time you have to check that the amount of salt is right.
You have to wait for 10 minutes till the khichuri water dries. After ten minutes when the water is dry, sprinkle raw chilli, coriander leaves, three to four spoons of ghee and a little hot spice powder in it and stir it a little.
Tags – Food, Recipe, Khichdi

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